Communal Living in the Countryside

You are probably familiar with communal living in the form of shared flats, student dormitories or hostels – mostly in larger cities. At MOOM, we live with several adults and one child in the countryside of Schleswig-Holstein. Because rural areas are not exactly teeming with cinemas, cafés and gyms, living with others has a special significance here. Work, leisure, social life: Much of it takes place here in the same place and with the same people.

But MOOM Space is also special in another way: unlike, for example, a shared flat in the countryside with permanent flatmates, we are a place for guests who stay sometimes for a week, sometimes for several months. This gives you the opportunity to get to know communal living in the country without obligation. Here you can concentrate on your work, enjoy country life, make new contacts and develop personally and professionally without having to make a firm decision about this way of life. Would you like to live with us? Then we look forward to hearing from you!

The Rooms



"Sea Gull"



The Rooms



"Sea Gull"



Prices for Coliving

Living together:
our prices

The rooms

Furnished room* with fibre optic internet and workstation:

1 month: 819 €
2 weeks: 599 €
1 week: 379 €

For all offers: Additional person in room +50%
*minimum one week stay


Our organic-vegan/vegetarian food is delivered twice a week from farms in the region. We obtain loose goods from the nearest unpacked shop. This incurs catering costs of 15€/day or 13€/day from 1 month stay. Also included are consumables for everyday use. We will be happy to take your special wishes into account for the purchase.

At a glance

What you can expect from communal living

What exactly does communal living look like here? How do we organise living together? And what community activities take place here? Below we give you an overview of what MOOM Space has in store for you.

Arrival & Departure

Fridays are our arrival and departure days, so you can arrive relaxed over the weekend. The public transport connections are also better during the week. We invite you to use the public transport connection via Krempe. It’s good for the climate and good for all of us. For 5 € we offer to pick you up at the station.


Every day at around 1pm or 6pm (except Sundays) we eat together. We enjoy the meal with gratitude for your time and effort that went into it. The food is organic vegan/ vegetarian and each:r cooks once for all. The cooking plan is made every Monday in the Community Meeting.

Community Meeting

Our community meeting takes place on Mondays from 19:30-20:30. Here we draw up our cooking plan, discuss what is coming up and give space for organisational concerns and requests for support.

We see ourselves as a learning community. Therefore, we are happy if you share your skills and knowledge with the community. Therefore, we invite you to contribute an impulse or workshop of 30-60 minutes if you feel like it. This could be for example: Yoga, book presentation, do-it-yourself, playing your favourite game, cooking, music and much more.

Listening circle

Weekly (date to be agreed at Community Meeting) Listening Circle takes place. While everyone has the opportunity to share what is going on inside them, we practice mindful listening. We do not comment or ask questions. We just listen to each other. This experience can be beneficial and touching for you.


Wednesday from 16:30-18:00 we celebrate a freshly cleaned house. We turn on music in the house, grab brooms, rags and hoovers and get the house ready for the next week.


On Sundays, we do not have a programme or a meal together. You are invited to dedicate this day to introspection and self-care.


Throughout the week, we (also) use digital tools to communicate with each other. First and foremost: Rocket Chat – an open-source communication platform. In the app, we exchange information in various channels, for example about upcoming appointments, interesting links or very practical everyday topics. Even after you leave, you remain a member and can continue to exchange ideas and network with other guests.

Eine Gitarre lehnt an der Wand
Ein frisch gemachtes Bett mit Holzgestell
Ein ergonomischer Stuhl steht neben einem kleinen Tisch

“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.”

― Brené Brown ―


What our Coliving guests say

“MOOM is more than a shared flat and also more than you might imagine co-living to be. For me, MOOM is all about mindfulness and awareness, which makes living together a special, peaceful experience. Respecting and appreciating individual needs paired with community events (such as a listening circle) are the perfect combination of “being me” and “being us” for me. During my time at MOOM, I felt both connected to myself and held and nourished by the group. Etti and Manu create a space of acceptance and love, which quickly made me feel welcome and at home. The wonderful surroundings with beautiful nature, sheep, horses and other animals round off the feel-good package. #simplicity” (translated from German)

Luisa, 26
Freelance coach

“What was special for me in MOOM Space was that feelings, moods and conflicts are given a space. A great place to live community in an authentic and appreciative way.”

Clara, 31
Freelance coach

“It was a great time and I learned a lot, you feel welcome every morning. I can only recommend it to everyone to give it a try.”

Andi, 27
IT employee

“The people at MOOM are just beautiful – so much meaningful connection! I love this warmhearted way of life, the inspiration for my professional development and the dancing!”

Sabrina, 40
Independent language trainer

Do you still have questions about coliving?

Learn more about communal living and working in the countryside in a personal call.